Research Team Retreat - Representing Myhre

Dr. Angela Lin and Dr. Mark Lindsay are happy to share this photo showing members of the MGH Myhre syndrome research team at the Cardiovascular Research Center Retreat on November 11, 2022.

The poster (which is not visible in the photo) represents “bench research” from the Lindsay Lab which investigates the cardiovascular features of the Myhre Syndrome mouse model and compares to the features in humans under Dr. Lin’s direction. The title of the abstract and poster was “Development of a Mouse Model of Myhre Syndrome, a Systemic Disorder of Connective Tissue Associated with Variants in SMAD4”.

The first author was Joseph Lawton, BS, CRA, assisted by Eleanor R. Scimone, BS, CRC, and Christian Lino Cardenas, PhD, PharmD, with oversight by Dr. Lindsay and Dr. Lin.

This research was supported in part by a generous grant from the Myhre Syndrome Foundation awarded in February 2022. Research is truly a team effort and they are pleased with their rapid progress. Presentation of a poster is a common way to disclose and discuss research with colleagues prior to writing a manuscript.

From left Joseph Lawton, BS, CRA, Eleanor R. Scimone, BS, CRC, Christian Lino Cardenas, PhD, PharmD, Dr. Lin.