New Discovery Committee to Advance Research

Friday 29 March 2024

We are thrilled to announce that we've formed a Discovery Committee to discover, develop, and make available treatments or a cure for Myhre syndrome. The initial team comprises Kate Wears as Executive Director, Kathy Young as chair of the Scientific Committee, and Zac Burns as chair of this new committee. Thanks to a generous donation from an anonymous donor, they plan to make a major push to deliver medical advancements over the next few years.

The Discovery Committee has hit the ground running. First, members contracted an interim Scientific Director, who has joined the committee to turn our Research Roadmap into a detailed plan, ensuring our efforts are focused and impactful. The Discovery Committee also laid the groundwork for executing the early stages of the roadmap to reduce our lead time in future phases. The members have been hard at work collaborating with experts and expect to reveal concrete progress toward the preclinical stage of this work soon.

The momentum is just beginning, and we are excited about the groundbreaking science that lies ahead. As we embark on this journey of discovery, we want to emphasize the importance of our ongoing community programs and fundraising events. Future scientific endeavors and success depend on the continued participation and contributions of every community member. We are thankful for your unwavering commitment and dedication as we move forward.